Sunday, August 6, 2017

Morning all!  It's such a beautiful morning here in West Texas. Bear and I are enjoying the cooler weather and coffee on our back porch. We've been reflecting on our projects this week and feeling blessed for fast sells and positive feedback outside our local market. I thought I would post a few pictures of my favorites from this week and ask for a little advise. How do you fellow creatives increase your local Facebook and instagram traffic?  We get great response outside of Lubbock but suffer radio silence here. Any tips or suggestions?  Thanks for any feedback!  

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Learning how to blog

I am not a blogger. Heck, I'm not really even a talker...I'm having a good day when I make polite conversation with someone at the grocery store.   But, I thought I would try this in an effort to share our work with others that may be interested. Our pieces are not fancy.  In fact, most would call them plain ol' trash.  We're ok with that,lol. We take trash and turn it into something pretty and useful!  Below I'm posting some of our past work and every so often I will post some of our current projects. Hope you enjoy them!